PinnedPublished inDaily JustissMy Medium News BULLETIN BOARDLatest Update: Sunday — March 9th (2025)17h ago117h ago1
PinnedPublished inDaily JustissWriters: Don’t Let Medium Make You DOUBT Who You Are!My Weekly Rant & Reminder!17h ago117h ago1
PinnedLibraries, Books, and the Future of EducationShould we be worried about today’s students tomorrow?3d ago33d ago3
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Stop Neglecting the Value of Visiting the Eye Doctor!When was the last time you had your eyes checked?3h ago23h ago2
3 Benefits to Gain from Sharing “Real Life” ExperiencesCan writing about their bad experiences really help people heal?1d ago11d ago1
Did You Ever Feel Consumed by Love at an Early Age?Read “Swimming In the Fire” (a coming of age original POEM)1d ago1d ago
The Right Education from Teachers Who Care Can Help Shape a Struggling Student’s Life!Whose department is it, to educate students in America?3d ago33d ago3
Remembering the Wisdom that Came from My Grand ParentsPeople don’t have to be biological family to express love4d ago14d ago1