Hey K.D. Thanks for the shot out, and the kind words, but I think you may have misunderstood something I wrote. My advice is: Write what you want to write about, but make sure you write it for the correct audience. Not everyone wants non-fiction, while not everyone wants fiction or poetry. Some people prefer personal experiences, while others prefer the hard cold facts. Whatever you write, just make sure you're courting the right audience. With that said, as for niches; I once mentioned that sometimes a writer doesn't choose a niche, but a niche chooses you. For example if you go through your titles you've published, I guarantee, you've written about one or two particular topics much more than the others. Like it or not, this may just be your niche. If it is, there's nothing wrong with taking advantage of it, BUT, you can still write about other topics. Everyone knows I love to write about writing, but have you seen these evergreen stories that are non-writing related: https://medium.com/p/7861fbe4b986 I write about everything under the sun, and still manage to have a niche :-)