Hi Alina - so I'm back to give my brief thoughts (if you believe I can actually be brief) Okay, so I got to together with my current and former neighbor to watch. The reviews were mixed, but basically good. I personally saw beyond the entertainment value, and realized the movie was meant to be a MESSAGE, in both what it did say, show, and imply - and also what it didn't come out and say, or show. Just like in the world now, we don't know exactly what's going to happen, but we know something is about to jump off, and we know why and what kind of thinking is behind it, just as sure as we know that the 3% with the big purse strings provide a great alarm clock about when it's time to get the hell out of dodge. The only thing is - where are all the rest of us expected to go for safety? Damn - did I say this would be brief? Oh well..:-)