How Much Does Medium Pay Content Creators?
Learn the facts about writing for Medium’s online writing platform
For many content creators who have been writing for several years or more, Medium has always been viewed as one of the best writing platforms you can find online.
With such a high level of popularity among online writers, it’s no wonder that new writers tend to be curious about this well-known freelance writing platform.
One of the most frequently asked questions related to the Medium online writing platform is:
How much does Medium pay content creators?
This is actually a difficult question to answer, when you understand what Medium does with each member’s monthly $5 membership fee (or their upgraded $15 monthly fee).
When members take into account the membership fee distribution, along with trying to calculate the number of reads, read ratio, and so on; the answer to the question becomes even less clear to most writers.
Simply put: Writers don’t really have an idea precisely how much Medium pays, because the amount varies from story to story, based on the variables already mentioned.
Oftentimes, the facts are grossly distorted, about just how much money writing for Medium will or won’t earn you every month.
It can be truly confusing to writers when they hear declarations of extremely high earnings on Medium, yet they also hear complaints about low earnings from members who may appear more forthcoming with the truth.
That is why, it is more important for perspective members to concern themselves with answers regarding things they can actually substantiate about this popular website.
Whether you’re a new or existing content creator; somethings about Medium will be evident for readers to see, and not merely based on hearsay or speculation.
For instance, it’s easy to see and believe that Medium is a great place for new writers seeking to make a home for themselves, as they grow and hone their skills.
The evidence is in all the numerous stories, where new and budding writers, discuss, as well as demonstrate, the progression they make on their Medium writing journey.
This is important to know and recognize, especially since good writing skills are essential to the question of how much money writers on Medium will ultimately earn on the website.
Concluding Thoughts
If you’re thinking about writing for one of the best writing platforms available for new writers who are just starting out, make sure to try and start out with the right attitude when you decide to join.
Writing and earning money for your stories is possible and easy to do, but earning at the rate and pace that you hope for, may not come as easily as you think.
This, however, should not be something that deters you, if you genuinely want to learn to be a better writer, and share your stories with an accepting and inviting community.
If that is your objective, then writing on Medium just might be the answer for you.
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