How To Get Published In Medium Publications More Quickly!

Are you doing what it takes to help your submissions get accepted?

Justiss Goode [REBOOTED]
5 min readDec 31, 2023
Photo Provided by Author — via

When you first get started on the Medium freelance writing platform, your main desire, as a writer, usually is to begin writing and publishing stories, and hopefully start earning cash.

The only problem is, things don’t normally work out that fast, for most writers who become members on Medium.

Learning to successfully navigate one of the most popular online writing platforms available for content creators is not typically a walk in the park.

There’s a lot to discover, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to learn what you need to know, in a relatively timely way.

In fact, one of the most beneficial ways you can begin to learn the ropes and find your place within this online writing community, is by becoming familiar with some of the unique Medium publications.

More often than not, getting published in Medium publications isn’t really difficult to do, although some publications take a little time to provide a response.

On the other hand, there have been scores of complaints from new and existing writers, about the length of time that it takes to be accepted and have a story published in a publication.

To a new writer on the platform, currently listening to these contradicting views, they may be thoroughly confused right now.

Just what seems to be the case for real, when it comes to getting your stories published quickly in a Medium publication?

In some cases, the answer actually depends on the writer.

Here’s how…

Writers can help their story submissions get accepted

Are you one of the many talented writers on Medium, who tends to find that your stories are either overlooked, or worse yet , simply rejected by publication editors?

Based on numerous stories from fledgling writers and new content creators on Medium, experiencing this type of reaction from publications, can sometimes lead to writers doubting their abilities.

But this should not be the case.


👉 Because being passed over, rejected, or having your stories put on a shelf, could possibly have more to do with the way you follow instructions, and not the quality of your writing.

Speaking from an editor’s point-of-view, and currently the owner of five Medium publications; I can attest to the truthfulness of the statement I just made.

Even though none of them are currently accepting other writers right now, in the past, I previously accepted submissions from 4 of my 5 Justiss Goode publications on Medium.

As a rule, I would always strive to publish stories as quickly as possible, and stick to whatever publishing deadline I indicated was in effect.

I encountered over anxious writers all the time, who ended up avoiding the most basic publication rules.

Since it’s not fair to the writers who correctly submit their stories in compliance with the guidelines; those writers who fail to follow instructions tend to end up on a back burner.

👉 Could this possibly be the situation with you and your story submissions?

Not following the guidelines may not reflect negatively on a writer’s ability to craft a story; however, some editors feel that disregarding a publication’s rules and requirements, is a good reason to have your story submission treated with similar disregard.

Even if this is not necessarily the case with the stories you submit, it pays to take this information to heart, if you want to increase your future chances of having stories accepted, and published much quickly.

In the final section of this story, there are two really strong suggestions that contain valuable tips worth following and applying to future submissions.

But they only work if you use them…

Final Thoughts

Does the insider viewpoint that I just shared about the way some editors respond to submissions, give you reason for concern?

It shouldn’t.

I don’t mean to imply that publications on Medium are run by spiteful editors who constantly react out of annoyance.

Most editors will cordially remind writers to read and recheck the submission guidelines for their publication.

However, sometimes certain circumstances make it impossible, inconvenient, or simply a nuisance, for an editor to stop and take time to remind a writer of what has already been amplified.

If Medium writers attempt to put themselves in the shoes of a publication editor, they will more than likely, be more prone to read and follow the guidelines more closely, resulting in their stories being accepted and published quickly.

Besides the specific publication guidelines that relate to the type of stories and content the editors are looking for, notice some other areas that should be considered, before submitting your stories to a Medium publication.

The following two stories discuss why these issues are important to editors:

Publications have a lot to be responsible for and concerned with, whether it’s writers complying with the usage of images and links, or making sure that the stories are formatted in an appealing way.

👉 Remember, typos, errors, plagiarism, unattractive formatting and more; all these issues ultimately reflect on the Medium publication, as well as the writer.

When you keep these important points in mind, you’ll remember to do what it takes, to get your stories readily accepted and published by the publications you submit to.

Thanks for reading…

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Image Credit: Author via
Image Credit: Author via



Justiss Goode [REBOOTED]
Justiss Goode [REBOOTED]

Written by Justiss Goode [REBOOTED]

Prolific Writer | Publication Editor | Friend of the Community: Always down to support fellow writers and their stories, in fun, creative, and promotional ways!

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