I Figured Out the Best Time of Day to Publish and Get the Most Views!

Have you ever wondered does it really matter what time you publish your stories?

Justiss Goode | F😄M
Daily Justiss
Published in
6 min readJan 19, 2022


Photo Credit: Canva.com

Not only have I figured out the best time of day to publish and get more story views; but the math and the logic actually confirm my theory.

For a while now, I’ve been testing my theory on numerous occasions, and so far, my observations show a definite affect on my views, and overall earnings. My strategy appears to work, because my earnings always showed an increase!

Allow me to share the simplicity of what I’ve been doing, because the whole thing comes down to nothing but basic math.

Keep your writing time but change your publishing schedule

In order for you to start benefiting from an increase in views, you’ll need to change your publishing schedule, but not necessarily your writing routine.

Let me explain.

Many writers, myself included, often write a story, and are quick to hit the publish button directly afterwards. Does that sound like you?

That means, typically, whatever time of day that you normally do your writing, is also the usual time you publish your stories (this refers to stories you self publish, not those submitted to publications).

Let’s consider this further…

What time do you normally publish stories? We all have some type of publishing routine that for the most part, we try to stick to. So what is yours?

Early morning, around 9:00 am? Maybe you like to get started in the early or late afternoon, say 3:00 pm. Perhaps you have a secular job in the “real” world, and you can only publish later in the evening, possibly as late as 9:00 pm, when the household is quiet.

The point is, whatever time you finally hit the publish button on a story, starts the clock for the life of that story. And as we all know, our stories have a short life span when it comes to what’s referred to as their “new” status.

Technically speaking, all stories are only new on the date that the story is first published. After that, stories instantly…



Justiss Goode | F😄M
Daily Justiss

Prolific Writer | Publication Editor | Friend of the Community: Always down to support fellow writer and their stories, in fun, creative, and promotional ways!