I hear what you're saying Joy, and I definitely know where you're coming from. I have over 1300 stories, and to my knowledge, I've never been boosted. I don't get it, and I never have. But honestly, I feel like you, and a lot of other "writer centric" writers are missing my point. It's NOT about your writing right now. It's about your reading. Do me a favor, and try an experiment for two days straight. Don't write any stories. Just read, enjoy, and have fun responding. IF you have at least a few decent stories to read when readers decide to see who you are, you should see results in no longer than that third day. I challenge you to try it - just like I said. Save the energy you'd put into a story, and put it in commenting. If I'm wrong, I'll publish a story, with a picture of me with egg on my face. Challenge accepted? :-)