"If you’re not a grandparent, who are you and what is your purpose?" Wow Frances. Such a wonderful idea, and one I would definitely support in my own area. I'm n the same boat, with my only child - now 40, unattached, and no desire to have kids. It's so hard, especially being the big kid at heart that I am. The trunk of my car is loaded with kites, a hand ball, paddle ball, and all sorts of picnic stuff. My home has all sorts of board games, and I just bought a midsize table tennis set last week. Now ask me who plays with all this crap? Mostly just me, and occasionally, whatever kid that comes a knocking to borrow something. All the nieces and nephews are even grown and gone. We used to have a grandparent read to kids program at the library. But I think they stopped in 2020. At least I know I'm not alone in this :-)