InLET’S GET PAID!byJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Self Published Authors: What Do You Know About Earning Cash from the ACX Bounty Program?Your audio books could earn you extra money with this referral program!Sep 30, 20222Sep 30, 20222
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]How to Transition from Novel Writer to Short Story Writer!Are you making the mistake that new short story writers often make?Sep 4, 20231Sep 4, 20231
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Should New Authors Consider Writing A Second Book Right Away?The decision to write a second book can be scary but worth it!Jan 27, 20221Jan 27, 20221
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]How Can Joining Medium Help New Authors Promote Their New Novel?Stop overlooking your chance to get paid for talking about your book!Jan 24, 20224Jan 24, 20224
InWrite To InspirebyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]How Do You Select The Right Book Category For Your Self-Published Amazon BookBe sure to pay attention to the category strings when you list your new title on AmazonJun 28, 20211Jun 28, 20211
InFeediumbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]How Will You Keep Your Motivation to Write a Book Now that the Pandemic is Contained?Pay attention to these book writing tips that will help you from start to finish, when you write your first book.Jun 20, 2021Jun 20, 2021
InA New ErabyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Aspiring Authors: When Will You Decide What Kind of Book You Plan to Write?Here are some writing tips and advice on how to make a definite decision, so you can start writing your book.Jun 21, 2021Jun 21, 2021
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Why Should New Authors Take Advantage of Amazon Author Central?Kindle Vella isn’t the only cool thing Amazon authors have going for them!May 18, 2021May 18, 2021
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Amazon Does It Again with Their Kindle Vella Resource for WritersAre you looking for another way to publish your short fiction writing?May 14, 20211May 14, 20211
InFeediumbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]New Writers Are Discovering How Easy it is to Self Publish with KDPDid you know you can self publish a book on KDP without any money or any hassle?Jun 23, 20213Jun 23, 20213
InFeediumbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Aspiring Authors: Where Did You Get Book Inspiration for Your 1st Novel?Be prepared to share thoughts about your book inspiration with your readers.Jun 17, 20211Jun 17, 20211
InA New ErabyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Why is Self Publishing the Fastest Way to Become an Author?Writing and self-publishing your first book is easier than you think.Jun 18, 2021Jun 18, 2021
Justiss Goode [REBOOTED]Writing Advice to Aspiring Authors About National Novel Writing MonthDo you plan on participating in the NaNoWriMo challenge this year?Jul 11, 2021Jul 11, 2021
InILLUMINATION’S MIRRORbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]How Do You Know What Advice to Follow about Getting Amazon Book Reviews?Getting Amazon book reviews after self publishing a book is like searching for the Holy Grail.Jul 11, 2021Jul 11, 2021
InFeediumbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Why Should Aspiring Book Authors Take Promoting Stories Seriously?If you think getting more reader’s for your stories is a challenge, wait until you self-publish your book.Jul 11, 2021Jul 11, 2021
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Lesson 1 in the NANO 6 Step Book Writing ProcessYour Writing Schedule & Agenda when writing your first noveAug 27, 2021Aug 27, 2021
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Lesson 2 in the NANO 6-Step Book Writing ProcessWill you be a typical NaNo Writer or a NaNo rebel this November?Aug 28, 20211Aug 28, 20211
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Lesson 3 in the NANO 6-Step Book Writing ProcessA discussion on keeping notes when preparing to write your first manuscript.Sep 2, 20211Sep 2, 20211
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Lesson 4 in the NANO 6-Step Book Writing ProcessEliminating distractions when writing your manuscriptSep 15, 20211Sep 15, 20211
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Lesson 5 in the NANO 6-Step Book Writing ProcessLesson 5 — About the 6-Step ProcessSep 22, 2021Sep 22, 2021