InWriters’ BlokkebyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Remember: Less is Best in the Opening of Your Short StoriesDo you remember this advice when writing your short stories?Sep 29, 20233Sep 29, 20233
InFeediumbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Beginners Guide to Writing Short Fiction and Valuable Story Writing TipsDo you want a step-by-step, quick and easy crash course in how to write short stories?Jul 19, 20215Jul 19, 20215
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Characters in Your Stories and Personal Essays Can Help Keep Readers EngagedWhat short story writing lessons are there about creating engaging characters? LESSON 4Jun 1, 2021Jun 1, 2021
Justiss Goode [REBOOTED]Does Your Short Story’s First Paragraph Have the Right Effect on Readers?Learn what the objective of your opening paragraph should be. LESSON #3May 17, 20212May 17, 20212
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Writing Short Stories: It’s All About the Length of ThingsShort stories should have limited characters, settings, and problems. LESSON # 2May 17, 2021May 17, 2021
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]Do You Understand the Difference Between Short Story Writing and Novel Writing?Never try to write your short story the same way you would write a novel. LESSON #1May 17, 2021May 17, 2021
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]7 Key Elements When Writing a Standard Short StoryIs there something crucial that your short stories might be missing?May 18, 20211May 18, 20211
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]These 5 Steps Can Help Launch Your Short Story Writing CareerThe main thing to it, is just to do it!May 15, 20211May 15, 20211
InDaily JustissbyJustiss Goode [REBOOTED]3 Reasons Why I Decided to Take a Short Story Writing CourseYou can learn to write faster, tighter, and more interesting stories.May 13, 20211May 13, 20211
Justiss Goode [REBOOTED]Is it Okay to Break the Rules When Writing Short Stories?Some writing related rules are really just suggestions.May 18, 2021May 18, 2021
Justiss Goode [REBOOTED]Learn to Write Short Stories by Discovering All the Right ToolsWhy should you do things by trial and error, when you can learn the proper way instead?May 14, 2021May 14, 2021
Justiss Goode [REBOOTED]New Short Story Writers Unite!Come learn about short story writing and how it differs from writing novels.Jun 16, 2021Jun 16, 2021