Personally, I think this is all nothing but a bunch of double talk and makes no sense. It doesn't clarify things in the least. And I'm not sure how to take the implication about "those who talk to one another" - and their low earnings. First off, see stories from tons of members - both those that mutually follow, and also those who I simply notice when I go browsing through various means (in other words - not in my feeds). As far as I can tell no one is writing about great stats, but quite the opposite. The second issue he raised, seems to imply the low earnings are warranted, as if we're inferior or defected somehow. I call B.S, because I'm not the greatest writer, but I know I'm above average, in addition to being prolific, just like lots of others here with LOW stats. And finally, although I'm in a Medium meta niche writer. I have hundreds of non-Medium related stories - some even evergreen - that suffer the same lousy fate. We're being GASLIGHTED into believing that we're not being gaslighted. LOL