"purely informative content (how-to and tips) is not going to help your audience or business very much." Hey Meera, this topic and theme seems to be the popular subject of the day (as in the past couple of weeks), because that's all I've been seeing and reading about, plus writing about as well. You made some truly valid points, and I agree to most of it, though I'd add caveats to other parts. I love how you stress knowing and understanding between the technical and tactical. I find that "how to" stories for example, about a specific feature, including where to find it, how to use it, and other related details - especially with screen shots - is the kind of content there will always be an audience for. And while you can't secure a technical audience with tactical content, you can still gain their trust with technical, enough for them to accept and even appreciate the tactical.They'll have more respect and patience for it, coming from a reliable source of technical content. That's been my experience, that's why I love to keep it interesting that way. Thanks so much :-)