Thanks Amanda. I definitely concur. I wasn’t trying to discourage anyone, because I’m so obsessive, I’ll darn near write anywhere (honestly, it truly is a compulsion for me and that’s not good in so many ways).
The story was written, to display some REAL transparency about things.
We read so many stories about HUGE earnings, and I just don’t get how they’re doing it. Especially when you begin making comparisons and real number crunching.
I knew when I wrote this story, that no one would assume or believe I’m earning so little, given:
- My large portfolio of titles
- I have a nice amount of followers
- I engage on a regular basis
- I’m not a half bad writer
- I mostly manage to come up with interesting headlines and topics
So the question remains, what’s the real problem? I wish I knew, because I’d definitely write and let everyone know :-)