The VERY Best New Feature Yet and it’s About Damn Time!

Have you guys noticed what happened with the claps?

Justiss Goode | F😄M
Just Like New
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2023


Photo Provided by Author — via

Alright Medium — you really did it this time, and I for one am pleased as punch!

I only just today, published a story about 10 new changes on Medium or coming soon.

I doubt that I could have possibly missed this one, so it must have just happened (unless my profile was the last one for the change to take place on).

So what exactly does this change have to do with?

To be more precise: CLAP.

Now, your stories can get 50 claps for the price of one — so to speak.

50 CLAPS is where the icon allows you to START with, not end with. In other words, now there’s a countdown.



Justiss Goode | F😄M
Just Like New

Prolific Writer | Publication Editor | Friend of the Community: Always down to support fellow writer and their stories, in fun, creative, and promotional ways!