Think About Publications and Whether to Create Your Own!
Do you want some sound advice about creating publications on Medium?
Some of the very best writing advice that I’ve ever shared with new writers on the Medium freelance writing platform, is the point I’m about to make regarding your decision on whether to create a Medium publication or not.
This is one activity on Medium, that every writer who becomes a member of this content creator’s paradise, should think about long and hard.
As a prolific and busy writer myself, with 5 different publications that I currently run on Medium, I feel confident about being qualified to provide advice on this topic.
Instead of trying to tell you exactly what I think you should do on the subject, allow me to simply provide some thought provoking questions.
Notice the following points that should definitely be considered, before making the decision, one way or the other, about whether to create a publication on Medium’s writing platform.
As you read the questions, ask yourself…
Do any of these questions hit a nerve?
In the past, I wrote a story that contained 20 different questions that are reasonable to ask, if you’re thinking about creating your own Medium publication anytime soon.
You can read the story and consider all 20 at another time. But for now…
Take a look at the first three from the list, because these should be of particular importance to everyone who contemplates the idea of creating a publication on this platform for content creators.
- Have you considered how much you do or don’t want to interact with other writers?
- Do you have the kind of people skills required to interact with other writers?
- Do you have the time and patience to add this writing related responsibility to your existing schedule?
As you can see, these questions are extremely relevant ones to know the answers to, no matter who you are.
Then, of course, there are other questions that may or may not speak directly to you and your situation.
Some issues that are going to be raised, may actually strike a nerve with some writers, while they may not concern other writers in the least.
👉 For instance, if you’re a people person, who enjoys networking on the platform, and you already like connecting with Medium members in the community, you probably won’t be concerned by the thought of having to communicate and interact with writers about their writing.
👉 On the other hand, if being a people person is not one of your strong suits, and you don’t like the idea of critiquing, or even discussing, another writer’s work, you may want to seriously take this under consideration.
This is not to say that any one issue that you may encounter, should be a deal breaker or prevent you from creating a publication.
This is simply to caution writers, to consider the different variables that will most certainly have a baring on the kind of publication you should create, or whether you should create one at all.
And never feel that your decision has to be written in stone, because either way, you can always change your mind.
That’s what I did…😄
Final Thoughts
Out of all the different activities that I have personally enjoyed being involved in on Medium, creating publications are top on my list.
I can honestly make this claim, even after there were times in the past, that I had absolutely no desire to have a publication where I accept submissions from other writers.
Once upon a time, I was very vocal about this opinion, but nowadays, only some of the viewpoints I once shared are still true.
Feel free to read and consider some of the other related points that I previously made mention of, in the story:
You may just find additional reasons that make you want to pump your brakes on the idea altogether, or you may decide emphatically that you’re ready to create your own publication.
Either way, just be sure that your decision about creating a Medium publication is based on practical writing advice that applies specifically to you.
Thanks for reading…
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