Member-only story
Why Do People Write about their Hard Lives and Negative Events from the Past?
Three benefits from writing about negative experiences and trying to heal from the past.
Anyone who’s been following my hard knocks stories here on the site, will already know that I had a seriously troubled childhood, due to a drug-addicted mother. As you might imagine, that life is what led to wrong decisions and negative relationships later on down the road.
I mention these things, because so many of my experiences have helped shape who I am today; a person I happen to like and love a lot. I have a happy life, and I’m as well-adjusted as I can be, as long as I don’t do the things that throw me off my balance.
Some readers might wonder how that’s possible, and that’s one of the reasons why I share. To let others who may be experiencing some of the same problems in life realize that one day things will change, and there really is light at the end of the tunnel.
Please take a moment to consider the following words that might help you understand and appreciate my point a little better.
If I’m being completely truthful, I have to confess that a great deal of my healing started many years ago, when I went through a particularly spiritual phase. Learning to…